I’m taking another writing class this semester. I’m taking this creative writing class to improve my writing style and to improve the craft. Here is this week’s assignment.  I enjoyed it very much therefore I’m posting it.

Assignment #3 – Due Before 11/5
Make a list of five things you hate. These can be grand things, such as world leaders who lie, or these can be relatively minor things, such as carpet. Try to include one or two “hates” that no one else is likely to think of. Feel free to be petty or politically incorrect.

Pick the “hate” on your list that you find most interesting. The most eccentric choice might be best.

Then write a short piece presenting your “hate”—what it is, why you hate it. Write this very much as you would talk to someone you know. If you end up with some “telling,” that’s okay for this kind of thing. And, if you find yourself launching into a rant, that’s fine, too. If you so desire, you may use this “hate” and write something narrative.

Do not go over 500 words.

(If you would rather not write about a hate, write about something you love. Just change “hate” to “love” throughout the assignment.)

I love newborn babies. Not any newborn baby but my own newborn baby, my own flesh, my own blood.  The newborn baby that I made, I labored and that I brought into the world. 

I remember bringing Makena Adeline into the world on June 22, 2013.  I’d been here twice before, at the same hospital giving birth to my other two children but it was different every time and I didn’t know what to expect.  What was the same, is the feeling. The feeling of elation and of joy when you bring another child into the world and knowing that adding just one more to the mix is going to make things different, to change things up and make things better.

As soon as the doctor placed her onto my chest, I cried.  I cried tears of joy knowing she was okay, seeing ten little fingers and ten little toes and feeling her tiny breaths on my chest, skin to skin. That’s all I wanted.  That’s all any mother really ever wants, is a healthy baby. 

I love that newborn smell. The smell of laundry detergent, baby shampoo and milk.  It smells of clean, sweet baby. Well, most of the time unless I have a poopy diaper but even then I love it all.  Even when she blows up and poop is everywhere, me and her father break into laughter.  It’s a joy going through these motions because time flies by so quickly and I know this stage will be over soon enough.

I love her soft skin. I love how she doesn’t need any lotion or any oils to make her skin feel as soft as it does.  I am constantly rubbing my cheek against hers and showering her with kisses.  

What I love the most is her smile. I love that she smiles constantly with no cares in the world.  I love watching the corners of her mouth twitch upwards even when she’s sleeping.  I love when she releases a fit of wholesome giggles when her sister makes her laugh. I wish I could bottle all that goodness and take it everywhere I go.  Anytime I have a bad day, I’d open the jar of goodness and I’d let the feeling I feel when I hear her laugh wash over me.
I love that she depends on me for everything. It makes me feel important. Even when I’m frustrated with the lack of sleep that comes with a newborn baby, I know that the time will pass by quickly so I kiss her every moment I get. I’ll love watching my newborn grow into a child that I nurtured and molded and I’ll love watching her grow into a woman one day.  I’ll love her when she’s wrong and when she’s right. I’ll love her no mater what happens. I’ll love her through it all because at one time, she was my newborn baby and in the end she will always be my baby.